Inter American School Guatemala

Spiritual Life


At Inter-American School we make every effort to aid the spiritual growth and build a strong community between the whole student body. One way that we do this is through weekly chapel services that provide the opportunity for reflection on the Word of God. Chapels often include worship and singing, games, skits, activities, and a message from a teacher or guest speaker.

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The Purposes of Chapel

  • To challenge students to apply Biblical principles and commitments to all aspects of personal and corporate life.

  • To promote student respect for Christian faith and expression.

  • To reinforce Biblical and cultural values through engaging worship experiences.

  • To permit students to demonstrate important Biblical truths which they have been learning.

  • To expose students to members of the missionary community and their ministries.

  • To experience the opportunity of praising God together in a corporate setting.

  • To enjoy time together as a student body, thus building school community.

  • Chapel services are split up between grade levels, so that messages and activities may be geared toward a specific age and development level.

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Spiritual Emphasis Week

Each year a week is set aside to emphasize the spiritual growth and development of our students. At the end of this week there is a three day retreat, called Spiritual Emphasis Retreat, offered to students in grades 6-12. Teachers and students get the opportunity to leave Xela, stay at a retreat center, and create great memories while growing in their faith and understanding of the Lord. During the retreat, the students come together for morning and evening chapels, break-out groups led by the teachers, and team building activities. Many years we have been blessed to have mission teams come down to lead chapels and services.

Elementary students get to participate in many different activities throughout the week, that often model a Vacation Bible School. They attend all-school chapels in the morning, have time for group games in the afternoon, and rotate between stations of Bible lessons, crafts, and singing.