Inter American School Guatemala



As part of providing a holistic education that addresses all facets of students, teachers often volunteer to organize extra-curricular activities after school hours. Our extra-curricular activities vary each year based on the unique talents and interest of teachers. In the past, teachers have coached soccer teams, hosted cooking clubs, planned youth groups, organized community service projects, offered after-school tutoring, and directed school choirs.

God has blessed our staff with a wide variety of talents and interests that have been used as a positive influence on the entire school. We are grateful for our teachers who are not only dedicated to providing an excellent education in the classroom and during school hours, but who also go above and beyond to teach life skills and offer positive social environments for our students. We believe offering extra-curricular activities helps build deeper relationships between students and teachers that are valuable in building strong community at IAS.


We view athletics as a wonderful way for students to glorify God with the health, strength, and talents of their bodies. We strive to teach our students proper techniques of the sports that they play, as well as good sportsmanship in competitive situations. While IAS is not a member of any formal leagues, occasionally various sports teams will be offered at the elementary and secondary levels. When there is sufficient interest from students, various teachers volunteer to coach and hold practices during the week, and various games and tournaments are arranged with other area schools.

Student Council

Student Council is a group consistently formed each year. Student Council gives our students the chance to represent their peers’ interests to Administration and the Board of Directors. The council is responsible for all student activities throughout the course of the year, including the Spiritual Emphasis Retreat for Middle and High School students every spring.

Elections are held each fall to choose new council members. To be eligible, students are expected to show responsible behavior, be willing to serve others, and display Christian character. Students must have a cumulative GPA of at least a 3.0 and attended IAS for at least one quarter previous to their election. Students nominated for positions cannot be on Academic Probation. Each year, the following positions are elected: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. In addition, there is one representative from each class, grades 6-12.

Parent Teacher Council (PTC)

At IAS we believe that all stakeholders – administration, staff, students and families – should be involved in the mission and vision of the school. The Parent Teacher Council (PTC) is designed to help form a greater bond between the parents of IAS students and the staff. They host several activities each year, including monthly Hot Lunch Days, a Thanksgiving celebration, Family Day, and occasional themed dinners. They also host welcome and goodbye dinners for teachers. The money the PTC raises is often used to buy books and supplies for the school, help with fieldtrips, and help with construction projects. Each year we are blessed with a dedicated group of parents who works to maintain strong community between parents and teachers.