Inter American School Guatemala


Education at IAS is designed to encourage development in every area of a child’s life. We strive to do this through the following objectives:


Spiritual, Moral and Ethical

  • Challenge students to love and serve God and others.
  • Encourage students to use their creativity and talents for the glory of God.
  • Cultivate the respect for honesty, dedication, responsibility, and self-discipline in learning and in all aspects of living.
  • Help students develop proper respect for themselves and for others


  • To provide quality Christian and Inter-American education to its students, preparing them to excel in universities both in North America and Latin America.
  • To provide each student with the opportunity to learn and socialize in an English-only environment, while at the same time offering electives courses in other languages.
  • To give adequate attention to the academic and personal needs of each student enrolled.
  • To develop the student’s curiosity and a desire for life-long learning.
  • To develop the student’s ability to interact pleasantly with people of varying backgrounds, beliefs and lifestyles.
  • To develop the student’s sense of family and community responsibility that embraces respect for the law and authority, public and private property, and the rights of others.
  • To develop the student’s manners, work habits, self-respect, self-discipline, and self-confidence.
  • To provide a safe, clean, organized, and aesthetically pleasant learning environment that would instill a commitment to preservation and improvement of the physical environment.


  • Teach to individual classroom standards and develop competency in all subjects.
  • Emphasize critical and creative thinking skills.
  • Use varied teaching methods and evaluative techniques to develop the maximum intellectual potential of each student.
  • Help students achieve competency in Spanish and English, while gaining an appreciation for both Guatemalan and North American cultures.


  • Help students identify their strengths and weaknesses in order to set realistic life goals.
  • Provide students with opportunities to succeed so they may develop proper self-esteem and a desire to develop and utilize their gifts and talents fully.
  • Provide opportunities for students to examine interesting careers options.
  • Establish guidelines for positive and healthy relationships with other students, teachers, and administrators
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Serve With The Inter-American School

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