Inter-American School

Our Students

Our Students

At IAS we see every student as a child of God, created with their own unique background, talents, insights, and learning needs. As administration and staff, we work hard to create a safe environment that is welcoming to all students and addresses all learning needs, to the best of our ability.

Our school serves approximately 180 students each year, Prekindergarten through Twelfth Grade. For many years IAS served one class per grade-level, with class sizes of 10-15 students. Our goal is to increase our overall enrollment and eventually serve two classes per grade-level. At the beginning of the 2012-2013 school year, we started working towards this goal by offering two Prekindergarten classes for the first time. We hope to continue this trend by adding one class of students per year.

Class sizes are limited to a maximum of 15 students, with at most 12 English Language Learners in one class. The rest must be native English speakers. We believe that small class sizes give teachers the opportunity to meet the unique learning needs of each student in their classroom.



Educational Impact

Elementary Students
Secondary Students

IAS admits students, regardless of race or ethnic origin, according to limitations of space and ability, provided students and parents honor our Christian statement of faith.