Inter American School Guatemala

Educational services


Prekindergarten experience is uniquely designed to prepare young children for elementary school. Emphasis is on learning to socialize with others, developing independence in work and play, and adapting to a bilingual classroom. The Prekindergarten teacher instructs in both English and Spanish to help provide the first foundational year of English. Students’ growth in English usage after one year is remarkable! Classes include a wide range of instructional and play centers to direct children’s learning through active, collaborative, and hands-on experiences.

While students begin to develop academic skills, they are also being taught some of the most popular stories in the Bible. Our Prekindergarten teacher does their best to share the stories that make up the basic history of the Bible in order to demonstrate God’s ultimate power over the world, and love for His children!

IAS offers two Prekindergarten classes: one in the morning from 8:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m., and one in the afternoon from 11:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.

Elementary Schedule:

Elementary (K-5th grade)

Upon entering Kindergarten, class is conducted completely in English. Elementary teachers take great care in developing students’ literacy, as these years set the foundation for the rest of students’ academic careers. Teachers use a wide variety of instructional methods including whole-class instruction, learning centers, group work, and one-on-one conferences. With small class sizes, teachers have the opportunity to adapt curriculum and instruction the unique learning needs and styles of their students.

Elementary homeroom teachers are responsible for teaching Bible, Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies, while specials teachers instruct P.E., Library, Art, Drama, Computers, and Spanish.

Elementary Chapel is a highlight for both students and teachers! Nobody sings God’s praises as beautifully (and as loudly) as our Elementary students! Teachers do their best to both facilitate and  include their students in organizing chapels. This develops students’ passion for the stories and lessons in the Bible. Through chapels, Bible classes, and core courses, Elementary teachers increase students’ curiosity for more knowledge about God and the amazing world He created!


Middle School (6th - 8th Grade)

Middle School education is focused on assisting students through the transition from childhood to adolescence. Teachers do their best to support students as they go through many physical, emotional, and social changes, and are sensitive to this unique time of growth. They are passionate about helping students learn responsible academic habits, abstract and critical thinking skills, as well as independence and social skills.

Middle School students move between teachers and classrooms for each subject (Math, Science, English, Social Studies, and Bible). Middle School teachers have done a fantastic job collaborating to share classroom rules and policies so that students are provided with consistency as they move between classrooms and teachers.

As our Middle School teachers and students spend much of their school days at the bottom of the hill, they have become a tight-knit community, perfect for developing both their relationships with each other, and their relationships with the Lord. Teachers focus their time in developing students’ knowledge in who Christ is, and how they can grow their faith deeper in Him.

Middle School Schedule:

High School (9th - 12th Grade)

High School offers a rigorous and challenging academic program that is well-rounded and requires students to earn credits in a full range of subjects. Students are also given the freedom to choose Elective Courses according to their own personal interests and strengths. High School students also participate in a Community Service class that helps them look outside of themselves and outside of IAS fences into the community around them. Through this course they are guided to see the world as Christ does, and to spread His love through acts of service.

Our High School teachers truly embody our motto of “Academic Excellence in a Christ-Centered Environment,” as they prepare students for education after high school, as well as guide students to recognize God’s calling on their lives and on their future. High School is the peak of students’ education as they come to their last years at IAS and begin to plan and dream of what their future may hold.

2018-2019 Profile (school demographics, academic requirements, average test scores, college acceptances, contact information, etc.)

High School Schedule: